The processing time can be described either through a distribution or in a table. The one used is selected with the radio buttons a the top of the process time editor, see image to the right.
Distribution ↑
How to setup a distribution is described under statistical distribution. The distribution used for the processing time should model processing time variations that occur due to variations in the actual execution of the processing.
Since this distribution will be used for all variants processed on the object, it will imply some restrictions for the modeled process. The process that the object models should be a process with a single variant or with a variant mix where all variants have very similar processing times.
Note: These statistical distributions should ideally use settings based on distribution fitting of historical production data of the process being modeled.
Table ↑
Defining the process time in a table will enable each variant to have their own processing time.
Note: For assemblies it is the Assembly identity that determines what variant the assembly will be treated as.
The process time table is edited under table in the process time editor, see image to the right. Each row in the process time table belongs to a variant and its specific process time is set in the second column. See table cells for details on how to enter a distribution in a cell.
Add variants: Variants are added to
the process time table (right gray frame) by selecting them in the left frame
and pushing .
Remove variants: Variants can be removed by selecting rows in the
process time table and pushing .